Sam Neill(Jurassic Park, Day Breakers) stars as a dedicated zookeeper in this emotionally and politically charged drama that explores the depths of human nature in the time of war. A city zoo in an eastern European country is abandoned when war ravages the city. Ludovic (Neill), a cynical ex-communist with a troubled past, and the vet (Om Puri) decide to stay and take care of the animals despite the bombing and lack of supplies. Partisans soon take the Indian vet away, leaving Ludovic alone to take care of the animals. That is, until he discovers a wounded 10-year old boy hiding in the compound. After being nursed back to health, the boy brings his mother (Gina McKee) to the zoo. Ludovic is now forced to take a political stand - force the two out of the zoo, or protect them and risk the zoo's destuction by occupying forces. Sam Neill delivers a performance brimming with quiet dignity and strong resolve. A stirring tale, based on a real-life incident that will capture your imagination.